Report an Absence

We miss your student when they are gone and we value their contributions to our school.

To report a student's absence please email the attendance address:

[email protected]

Please include:
Student first and last name
Date of absence
Reason for absence

A parent/guardian may also send a signed note of explanation with the student upon their return to school.

Please call Michelle, the attendance secretary, at 360-379-4540 if you have questions!

OUR PROMISE TO YOU: We know that there are a wide variety of reasons that students are absent from school. There are many people in our building prepared to help you if you or your student face challenges in getting to school regularly or on time. We promise to track attendance daily, to notice when your student is missing from class, communicate with you to understand why they were absent, and to identify barriers and supports available to overcome challenges you may face in helping your student attend school.

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